fitch ratings

惠誉国际评级(fitch ratings)



惠誉国际评级(fitch ratings)
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1·Speculators could return, Fitch Ratings said in a report last month.
2·Earlier this year, Fitch Ratings warned that nonperforming loans could reach as high as 30 percent.
3·Europe's currency headed for a weekly loss against the dollar after Fitch Ratings downgraded Ireland.
4·The Fitch ratings service became the third such firm to downgrade Cyprus' credit rating to "junk" status.
5·This week Fitch Ratings said it may review Japan's debt rating if the government issues substantially more debt.
本周,惠誉国际评级(Fitch Ratings)称,日本若继续提高债务水平,惠誉将重新评定其主权信用评级。
6·On the same day, Fitch Ratings warned that this crisis will develop a "huge threat" to American's banking industry.
7·Lehman was one of the 10 largest parties in the market for credit default swaps, according to a Fitch Ratings report last year.
8·Fitch Ratings cut Portugal to AA-minus and said a further slide was possible if the country doesn't do more to bring down its budget deficit.
惠普评级机构将葡萄牙的信用下调至AA -,并称如果葡萄牙不努力减少其财政赤字,那么其评级还会继续下调。
9·Nokia's performance in the increasingly crowded smartphone market is putting pressure on its credit ratings, Fitch ratings said in a report today.
10·Even with those warnings, a Fitch Ratings downgrade of Greece sent investors heading for the hills on Tuesday, pushing the dollar even higher.
即使已经存在这些警告,惠誉(Fitch Ratings)周二下调希腊的评级仍让投资者纷纷寻求安全之地,进一步推高了美元。
更新时间:2025-03-29 03:26